11 January, 2011

Facing Pagan Persecution

     How many of you have been bullied (on an umber of levels) for your beliefs? Now out of that amount of people, how many of you are pagan? By pagan I mean ancient/neopagan/wiccan beliefs. I have been a witch since I was 12. Ive been bullied at school by teachers and classmates, cast out by a few family members, even nearly driven off the road by a stranger and another told me Im going to hell!
     There are 750,000+ pagans in the US alone. So why arent we taking a stand?! When I first became pagan, and I looked in the mirror and said "I am a witch", my heart soared. I wanted to share my happiness with everyone and celebrate the joy I felt...but I couldnt. Because I knew that I would be cast out. Why?
Why is it okay for christian-oriented groups to go door to door with their pamplets in one hand, bible in the other, and talk to you about their religion freely - but pagans must keep their identity out of the mainstream light?
     I understand that there have been violent acts on pagans all around the world. From 1977, to 2001, and 1986-1996. But doesnt that urge anyone else to do something? There is strength in numbers after all. Every pagan practices differently, and we have many branches. But that doesnt mean we cant all come together for this cause.
     (April 12, 2010) In Centerville, Georgia, a woman is being threatened by the city because she opened a spiritual bookstore/giftshop/wellness center. Because of her beliefs and practices, the state threatens to hold her in jail for 60 days if she keeps running her business. The owner has even recieved this letter: http://www.warnerrobinsrealestateguy.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/city-of-centerville-letter.pdf
     Why cant we show people that we have no concept of devil or evil deity? Our law states that we shall harm none. Is it so hard to get this into the ears of people who are against the less mainstream beliefs? If we keep silent about it, then people think "oh, theyre not denying it, so it must be true". I realize that many pagans wont come out and stand up against this because theyre used to the status quo and of being outcast. But megaphones and microphones know no boundries! If more of us conducted some open, public rituals and gatherings, the world would see how good we all actually are.

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